Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Hallmark" Horses

I've always loved drawing horses. They are the subject that kept me drawing throughout my childhood, and the only thing that kept me sane when I spent a month in the hospital as a kid. I was stuck in a hospital bed, in traction, with a broken femur, and the only thing that I could do other than watch t.v. or listen to music, was draw. Even though riding horses was the reason I was in the hospital in the first place, it was the only thing I wanted to draw.

In college, using horses as a subject matter wasn't as kind to me. If you were in my Lithography class and sat through some of the critiques, then you probably get the reference to the Hallmark Horses title I used for this post. It was a horrible class critique, and the person who made the comment was taking jabs at everyone. I stopped using horses as subject matter in my works after that. And now, I've grown up and I really don't care anymore. I like drawing my Hallmark horses. So on that note- this one is for you Rachel.